Sustainable Cambodia
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Male, 13 years old
Birthdate: 08/24/2011
YesHome Life Sponsored
NoSchool Life Sponsored

Biography last updated: 03-Apr-2024

Hello! My name is Sokleap I am a student in grade 7 at Secondary School. In my family there are 5 members. My parents are divorced. I live with my mother. She is a seller., and she is a single mom. I have no brothers and two sisters and I am the first child. My daily activities at home are cleaning the house and washing the dishes. Every day, I arrive at school by motor. My favorite animal is rabbit because I like its hair color. My family pets are none. When I am at home with my parents I love to talk with my mum because I want to make my mum happy and reduce stress because she tries hard to earn money to support family.

I really like studying at Sustainable Cambodia because there are many subjects to learn are math, Khmer and especially I can learn computer and English for free. My favorite subject at state school is math because I like to calculate number.  My favorite kind of book to read is science book because I like to learn more about earth, sky and stars. During my free time in SC school I like to play with my friends. When I grow up I want to be a math teacher because I want to teach the children in the next generation. 

Sokleap MEAN
Sokleap MEAN
Sokleap MEAN
Sokleap MEAN
Sokleap MEAN