Sustainable Cambodia
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Female, 18 years old
Birthdate: 05/03/2006
YesHome Life Sponsored
NoSchool Life Sponsored

Biography last updated: 02-Apr-2024

Hello! My name is Yada. I am a student in grade 12 at High School. I live with my father, mother, and three sisters. I am the first child in the family. My father is a blacksmith and my mother is a housewife. When I am at home with my family, I love cooking, reading books, talking about my future, studying, and chatting together. In my family, we feed some cats and the vegetables we grow are chilies and some oranges. We get the water from the rainwater.

Here are the activities that I really enjoy doing at SC school, I like reading books in the library and dancing when I have schedule class. At SC my friends and I love to dance, sing and play. I can learn how to help other people, teach young kids at school, and talk with foreigners. The way that I am a strong learner is that I can read many books and have a good memory. In the SC library, I am interested in learning more about all living things like animals and plants. 

Teacher’s special comments
Hello! I am Raksa an English teacher of Yada. In my class, I take notice that Yada is friendly. She smiles at every friend she meets.. She also loves reading comic books and talking with friends. Then she always shares what she knows with her classmates. 

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