Sustainable Cambodia
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Male, 16 years old
Birthdate: 04/14/2008
YesHome Life Sponsored
YesSchool Life Sponsored

Biography last updated: 04-Apr-2024

Hello! My name is Rasy. I am a student in grade 12 at high school. I live with my mother, father, older brother, older sister, and two younger brothers. I am the third child in the family. My father is a farmer and my mother is a housewife. When I am at home with my family, I like to wash the dishes, read books, do housework, review lessons, teach my younger brothers to draw the picture, and play football. In my family, we feed some dogs, 20 chickens, and cows, and the vegetable we grow are lemongrass leaves, papaya, banana, coconut, and peppers. we get the water from rivers and well water. 

Here are the activities I enjoy at SC school; I like reading science books, researching Khmer history, and clean the school campus. At SC, my friends and I love to draw the picture, have group discussions, and read books in the library. I can learn how to use computers and study part-time such as chemistry, physic, math, Khmer, and English.  One way that I am a strong learner is that I review the lessons, practice doing exercises, pay attention in my class, practice do exercises, listen to the advice of the teacher and go to school regularly. In my SC library, I am interested in learning more novel books, Khmer literature, science books and folk tale.

Teacher’s special comments  
Hello! I’m Bunsoeurn. I’m an English teacher of Rasy. In my class, I notice that he is one of the most obedient student in the class. He studies with me at 4-5 O’clock. He is a good student in my class.  He comes to school regularly. He always pays attention in my class every day. He tries to study hard at state school and KBFC School too. I believe that he will be able to change his life to be better and better in the future.

Rasy UK
Rasy UK
Rasy UK
Rasy UK
Rasy UK