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Male, 18 years old
Birthdate: 01/06/2006
YesScholarship Sponsored

Biography last updated: 25-Jun-2024

Hello!  My name is Sokran. My friends and family call me Sokran. My family is special and important to me because they always advise me to study hard and go to class regularly. My father taught me to be a responsible person who always obey the school rules and everywhere I go. He taught me to respect and love others.  My parents always support me to do what I love. 

I am very excited to tell you my major is Khmer Literature and I study at Angkor Khemara University in Pursat province. The reason I chose to study Khmer literature at this university is because I love this subject and I want to become a khmer teacher in the future. Let me describe in detail what I experienced during my first week at the university: When I first started, I felt nervous because I did not know anyone, and on the other hand, I felt that I did not understand well. It’s new to me. 

Nowadays, I stay home with my parents because the university is in my hometown.  I got to university by motorcycle. My favorite activity when I am not in class is I chat with my friends and ask each other lessons and research additional lessons to easily answer questions as well.

Sokran SEANG
Sokran SEANG
Sokran SEANG
Sokran SEANG
Sokran SEANG
Sokran SEANG
Sokran SEANG
Sokran SEANG