Sustainable Cambodia
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Female, 17 years old
Birthdate: 09/01/2007
YesHome Life Sponsored
YesSchool Life Sponsored

Biography last updated: 21-Apr-2024

Hello! My name is Rasmey. I am a student in grade 11 at high school. I live with my mother, father, grandmother, brother, and sister. I am the first child in the family. My father is a farmer and my mother is a farmer. When I am at home with my family, I like to clean around my house, read books, do homework, review lessons, cook food, and teach my siblings. In my family, we feed some dogs, chickens, and ducks and the vegetable we grow are lemongrass leaves, eggplant, banana, coconut, bean, and chili. We get the water from a well and river water. 

Here are the activities I enjoy at KBFC school; I like reading books in the library, having group discussions with friends, and doing exercises. At KBFC, my friends and I love to do exercises, make funny together and read books in the library. I can learn how to solve biology, chemistry, physic, math, Khmer, and English and research the lesson from the internet on the computer at the computer lap. One way that I am a strong learner is to make a group of self-study with my friends, review the lesson before studying at school, practice exercises, research the lesson from the internet, and respect school rules. I am interested in learning more about history books, English literature, and educational short stories in my KBFC library.

Teacher’s special comments  
Hello! I’m Bunsoeurn. I’m an English teacher of Rasmey. In my class, I take notice that she is a girl who studies in my class every day. She always enjoys studying every day. She is patient in her studying. She has a mild to other students. She always tries to study hard at KBFC School. She is honest and nice to her friends and teacher. 

Rasmey MORNH
Rasmey MORNH
Rasmey MORNH
Rasmey MORNH