Sustainable Cambodia
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Female, 16 years old
Birthdate: 06/20/2008
YesHome Life Sponsored
NoSchool Life Sponsored

Biography last updated: 22-Apr-2024

Hello! My name is Dav. I am a student in grade 11 at school. I live with my father, mother, two sisters, and brother. I am the second child in the family. My father is a farmer, and my mother is a farmer. When I am at home with my family, I like to read books, do homework, plant flowers, grow vegetables and papaya. In my family, we feed some cats, cows, and buffaloes; the vegetables we grow are bananas, eggplant, and lemongrass. We get the water from well and pond water. 

Here are the activities I enjoy at KBFC school; I like cleaning the environment around my school, doing exercise, and reading books. At KBFC, my friends and I love reading folk tale stories in the library and doing exercises with together. I can learn how to plant vegetables, ding English exercises well, and read Khmer literature. One way I am a strong learner is to review the lesson before I start school, pay attention in my class, practice doing exercises, and listen to the teacher explain the lesson carefully. In my KBFC library, I am interested in learning more about reading new technology, reading novel books, and history books.

Teacher’s special comments  
Hello! I’m Bunsoeurn. I’m an English teacher of Dav. In my class, I take notice that she is one of the students in my class who study hard every day. She is a friendly student. She is honest, and she is a clever student. She can catch up with the lesson quickly. She is an active student in my class. She will try to make her dream come true if she stays connected with our Education program at SC. 
