Sustainable Cambodia
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Female, 14 years old
Birthdate: 02/03/2010
NoHome Life Sponsored
YesSchool Life Sponsored

Biography last updated: 06-Mar-2024

Hello! My name is Noun Kumpheak. I am a student in grade 6 at Primary School. I live with my father. I am the sixth child in the family. My father is a worker and my mother she died when I was young. When I am at home with my family, I like to play with my brothers and sisters. In my family we feed some dogs, cats, ducks and chickens and the vegetable we grow are cabbage and beans should we get the water from buy.  Here are the activities that I really enjoy at SC school clean in my class and bathroom.  At SC my friend and I love to play by jumping and running around the playground. I can learn how to sum and subtract numbers. One way that I am a strong learner is that I can focus and listen to teacher explain. In my SC library, I am interested in learning more about the environment and how to plant some vegetable.

Teacher’s special comments
Hello! My name is Sambath. I am Khmer and Math teacher of Kumpheak. In my class, I notice that Kumpheak the first time when she come here. she’s slow learner, but now she’s a smart student. She can do exercise very fast. She’s a good student. 

Kumpheak NOUN
Kompheak NOUN