Sustainable Cambodia
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Male, 11 years old
Birthdate: 07/12/2013
YesHome Life Sponsored
YesSchool Life Sponsored

Biography last updated: 06-Mar-2024

Hello! My name is Ramy, I am a student in grade 5 at Primary School. I live with my parents. I am the third child in the family. My father is a farmer and my mother is a housewife. When I am at home with my family I like playing with my siblings and watching TV with my mother. In my family, we feed some dogs and chickens. The vegetables we grow are herbs, chili, and lemongrass. My family gets the water from well water.

Here are the activities that I really enjoy learning/doing at SC school, I enjoy learning English, research, and computer. I love playing football or Mable ball with my classmates. I can learn how to color the pictures and fold the paper to create the things like birds, bags, boats, etc. One way that I am strong learner is that I can think fast at arithmetic because I like math subject and I do the extra exercises at home. If I can’t do some points I ask my sister. In my SC library, I am interested in learning more about reading books and painting. I borrow the books to read at home every day.

Teacher’s special comments
          Hello! I am Ravy, an English teacher of Ramy. In my class, I noted that Ramy is a good boy, but he is good at math. Ramy is a kind and helpful.. He obeys the school rules well. 

Ramy NOV
Ramy NOV