Sustainable Cambodia
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Female, 12 years old
Birthdate: 11/29/2012
NoHome Life Sponsored
NoSchool Life Sponsored

Biography last updated: 20-Dec-2023

Hello! My name is Davin. I am a student in grade 6 at Primary school. I live with parents. I am the second child in the family. My father is a motor driver and my mother is a soup seller. When I am at home with my family, I like to read a book. In my family, we feed some dogs, cat chicken and cows and the vegetable we grow are chili, cucumber, coconut tree we get the water from water system.

Here are the activities that I really enjoy doing at SC school is reading a book. At SC my friend and I love to do exercise and check the answer. I can learn how to how to writing. One way that I am a strong learner is that I can read a lot and try study more at home. In my SC library, I am interested in learning more about story book. 

Teacher’s special comments
Hello! My name is Sambath. I am Khmer and Math teacher of Davin. In my class, I notice that Davin is a good student. She never miss classes. She can do exercise her friend so proud of her.  

Davin PHAN
Davin PHAN