A gift of a garden grows health:
Gardens are a major key to improving nutrition and eliminating hunger for rural Cambodian families. Many families traditionally subsisted on rice, without the knowledge, seed or irrigation needed to grow alternative crops. The addition of vegetables gives the children and families much-needed vitamins and minerals to improve and sustain health.
The dry season can make gardening difficult - but with irrigation ponds, gardens can be cultivated year-round. The families are taught how to raise cucumbers, sweet potatoes, peanuts, tomatoes, squash, greens and other alternative crops. The gardens not only provide needed nutrition, but the families can sell vegetables at the market, generating critically needed income.
These programs become self-sustaining through the pass-on process, through which this gift will continue for years to come, as families become donors themselves, helping families in neighboring villages to grow a garden. And all this empowerment begins with this gift of a garden! |
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